All things Cannabutter

Decarboxylation, infusers, butter makers, THC oil, all of the best machines you will find online!

Try making your own gummies at home, they will taste amazing! And you will have the satisfaction of them being homemade.

Welcome to Cannabutter Crafters - The Art of Premium Cannabutter

At Cannabutter Crafters, we are dedicated to crafting the finest quality cannabutter, perfect for culinary enthusiasts and anyone looking to explore the world of cannabis-infused cuisine. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every batch of our cannabutter meets the highest standards of potency, purity, and flavor.

Our Story

Discover Our Journey

Founded by a team of culinary experts and cannabis connoisseurs, Cannabutter Crafters began with a simple mission: to create the best cannabutter in the market. Our passion for quality ingredients and meticulous crafting methods sets us apart in the world of cannabis-infused products.

Our Products

Premium Cannabutter for Every Kitchen

  • Classic Cannabutter: Perfect for baking and cooking, our classic cannabutter offers a rich, creamy texture with a balanced blend of THC and CBD.

  • Organic Cannabutter: Made with 100% organic cannabis and butter, this option is ideal for health-conscious consumers.

  • Flavored Cannabutter: Infused with natural flavors like garlic, rosemary, or vanilla, our flavored cannabutters add a unique twist to your recipes.

Recipes and Tips

Explore Culinary Creations

Dive into our collection of curated recipes and learn how to make delectable edibles at home. From classic brownies to gourmet meals, our tips and tricks will help you master the art of cannabis cooking.

Weed butter makers are simply devices specifically designed to make cannabis-infused butter, or "cannabutter." These machines are popular because they make the process of making cannabutter easy and convenient. If you’ve done it the old school way, you know the amount of work it takes!

Weed butter makers are great is that they take care of the decarboxylation process, which is necessary to activate the THC and CBD in the cannabis. This can be a time-consuming and potentially difficult process to do manually, especially for those who are new to making cannabutter. Weed butter makers make it easy to achieve the correct temperature and time necessary for decarboxylation, ensuring that the final product is potent and effective.

Weed butter makers are also great is that they allow for precise dosing. Remember the old days where your 10mg edible might actually be 100mg because the guy switched up the labels? No more! Many weed butter makers have controls that allow you to adjust the amount of cannabis used in the recipe, allowing you to customize the strength of the final product. This can be especially helpful for those who are new to using cannabis and want to start with a lower dose.

Cannabis gummies have become increasingly popular in recent years and it’s for good reason. Number 1, they are tasty! Remember the old days when a weed brownie might taste like dirt? Those days are long gone. Today you can make some of the best edibles right in your own kitchen! Edibles are convenient and discreet in nature. Gummies are easy to transport and consume, and they do not produce any telltale odors like smoking or vaping cannabis does. They also offer a more precise dosing option than other methods of consumption, as the amount of THC or CBD in each gummy is controlled and consistent.

Cannabis gummies are super versatile too! They can be made in a variety of flavors and can be infused with either THC or CBD, or a combination of the two. This allows users to customize their experience and choose a product that meets their specific needs and preferences.

Cannabis gummies are also appealing because they offer a smoke-free option for those who want to consume cannabis but do not want to inhale smoke or vapor. This can be especially appealing to those who are concerned about the potential negative health effects of smoking or who are unable to smoke due to respiratory issues.

Weed butter makers

Check out some of the best weed butter machines available in 2024.

THC Oil Infusers

Check out some of the best thc oil infusers available online in 2024.