Weed Butter Makers

More about weed butter machines

Updated 1/17/24

View our favorite weed butter makers of 2024

A weed butter maker is a kitchen appliance or tool that is specifically designed to create cannabis-infused butter, also known as "weed butter." How awesome is that?! Making your own edibles at home is a pretty fun experience. These machines allows users to easily and efficiently make their own weed butter at home by grinding and decarboxylating cannabis flowers and infusing them into butter or oil. The resulting product can be used in a variety of recipes, including baked goods and other dishes, to provide the effects of cannabis. Weed butter makers can be electric or manual, and come in a range of sizes and price points to suit different needs and budgets. Some models also have additional features, such as the ability to customize the strength of the weed butter or to infuse multiple herbs and spices in addition to cannabis.

Cannabutter machines are more popular than ever in 2024. Weed gummies and THC baked goods continue to grow in popularity! Some casual enthusiast aren’t into smoking all that much, so that’s where weed butter makers come into play. They offer a convenient and easy way to make cannabis-infused butter at home. Traditional methods of making weed butter can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, involving grinding and decarboxylating the cannabis by hand and then infusing it into butter or oil over a stovetop. A weed butter maker automates these steps and makes the process much simpler and more efficient.

Another reason for the popularity of cannabutter machines is that they allow users to customize the strength of their weed butter to suit their preferences and needs. Many models allow users to control the amount of cannabis that is used in the infusion process, so they can make weed butter that is strong enough to provide the desired effects but not so strong that it is overwhelming.

Cannabutter machines are well-known and talked about because they can be used to make a wide range of cannabis-infused recipes, including baked goods, sauces, and other dishes. This makes them a versatile kitchen appliance that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Homemade THC Butter

If you’ve yet to try, it’s time you give it a shot! Especially with all the awesome weed technology in 2024. Homemade THC butter, often referred to as cannabutter, is made by slowly cooking cannabis and butter together to infuse the fat with THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana. This butter can then be used in a variety of culinary applications, including baking and cooking, allowing users to ingest cannabis in a more discreet and potentially enjoyable way.

thc butter in a jar on the counter

Best weed butter machines out there

Magical Butter MB2e: This electric machine grinds and decarboxylates cannabis and infuses it into butter or oil in as little as two hours. It has a built-in thermostat and timer, and can be programmed to make different strength levels of weed butter.

Levo Oil Infuser: This electric machine allows users to infuse a variety of herbs, spices, and oils, including cannabis, into butter or oil. It has a customizable timer and temperature settings, and includes a recipe book with ideas for using the infused products.

CannaButter Machine: This manual machine uses a hand crank to grind and decarboxylate cannabis, which is then infused into butter or oil in a separate pot on the stovetop. It is a more affordable option, but requires more effort to use than electric machines.

PotBot: This electric machine uses sous vide technology to infuse cannabis into butter or oil. It has a built-in grinder and decarboxylator, and allows users to customize the strength of the infusion.

It is worth noting that these are just a few examples of weed butter machines, and there are many other options available as well. It is a good idea to do some research and compare the features and prices of different models to find the one that best meets your needs and budget.

Our favorite edibles to make at home

There are many delicious edibles that can be made at home using weed butter. Some classic options include brownies, cookies, and muffins, which are all easy to make and can be customized with a variety of mix-ins and toppings. Other baked goods that can be made with weed butter include breads, cakes, and pastries.

In addition to baked goods, weed butter can also be used to make savory dishes, such as sauces, soups, and marinades. For example, you could use weed butter to make a creamy pasta sauce or to add a subtle cannabis flavor to a stir-fry.

It is important to keep in mind that the effects of edibles can be stronger and longer-lasting than smoking or vaporizing cannabis. It is also important to label and store edibles safely, out of reach of children and pets. It is a good idea to start with small doses and wait at least an hour before consuming more, to ensure that you do not overconsume.

More about making edibles at home

Making homemade THC butter, also known as cannabutter, is a fairly easy process, but it does require some attention to detail and patience.

The basic process involves heating butter and cannabis together in a saucepan or double boiler, then straining the mixture to separate the butter from the cannabis. The resulting cannabutter can then be used in a variety of recipes, such as baked goods, sauces, and more.

The key to making good cannabutter is to decarboxylate the cannabis before using it, so the psychoactive compounds are activated. Decarbing the cannabis can be done by heating it in the oven for about 30-40 minutes, before adding it to the butter.

Additionally, it's important to use the appropriate ratio of butter to cannabis, so the final product has the desired potency. It's also important to use low heat and to keep an eye on the mixture to avoid burning.

Overall, making cannabutter is not difficult, but it does require some care and attention to detail to ensure that the final product is of good quality and has the desired potency.

THC Butter Makers

Sure you can buy pot butter at your local dispensary, but making your own at home is just so much better! Creating your own THC butter allows you to control the potency and strain of cannabis used, enabling a personalized experience tailored to your specific preferences and tolerances. Additionally, the process of making it at home can be rewarding and economical, especially for regular users or those interested in the art of cannabis cooking.

Example recipe for your weed butter maker

To make THC butter at home, you will need the following ingredients and supplies:


Cannabis flowers

Butter (unsalted)


  • Grinder

  • Oven

  • Baking sheet

  • Aluminum foil

  • Cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer

  • Glass jar or container with a tight-fitting lid

Here is a basic recipe for making THC butter at home:

  1. Preheat your oven to 245°F (118°C).

  2. Grind your cannabis flowers using a grinder.

  3. Spread the ground cannabis on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil.

  4. Bake the cannabis in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it is fragrant and golden brown. This process is known as decarboxylation and activates the THC in the cannabis.

  5. While the cannabis is baking, melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat.

  6. Once the cannabis is finished baking, add it to the melted butter and stir to combine.

  7. Let the mixture simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally.

  8. Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer into a glass jar or container. Discard the solids.

  9. Allow the THC butter to cool and solidify, then cover it with a tight-fitting lid and store it in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it.

This recipe will make a relatively strong batch of THC butter. You can adjust the amount of cannabis you use to make it stronger or weaker, depending on your preference. Just be sure to accurately calculate the THC content of your finished product so that you can properly dose your edibles.

More reasons to consider getting a weed butter maker

A weed butter maker, also known as a cannabis-infused butter maker, is a specialized appliance that is designed to make it easier to create cannabis-infused butter. While it is possible to make cannabis-infused butter without a dedicated appliance, using a weed butter maker can save time and effort, and produce a more consistent and high-quality end product.

Here are some of the top reasons to consider getting a weed butter maker:

  1. Convenience: A weed butter maker takes the guesswork out of making cannabis-infused butter. Simply add your ingredients, set the temperature and time, and let the machine do the work.

  2. Consistency: A weed butter maker ensures that the butter is infused with cannabis evenly and consistently, which can be difficult to achieve by hand.

  3. Quality: With a weed butter maker, you can ensure that the butter is not overheated, which can damage the active compounds in cannabis. This can lead to a better quality end product with a higher potency.

  4. Versatility: A weed butter maker can also be used to make other cannabis-infused products, such as oils and tinctures.

  5. Safety: A weed butter maker can help you avoid accidents and burns that can occur when trying to make cannabis-infused butter on the stovetop or in the oven.

To wrap it up, a weed butter maker is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to make cannabis-infused butter quickly, easily, and consistently. Whether you are a medical cannabis patient looking to make edibles at home, or a recreational user who wants to experiment with cannabis-infused cooking, a weed butter maker is an investment that can pay off in the long run.

pot butter machine

Using a weed butter machine is like unlocking a culinary portal to another dimension. With it, ordinary ingredients are transformed, turning even the simplest of dishes into a delightful journey of flavors and sensations. It's not just about cooking; it's about crafting moments that transcend the ordinary.

Fun Jokes about Weed Butter Makers

What's a weed butter machine's favorite song?

"Stir It Up" by Bob Marley. Just like the song suggests a world of relaxation and peace, the machine helps bring a calming vibe to your culinary world.

If my weed butter machine had a personality, what would it be?

Think of it as the laid-back chef of your kitchen, always ready to whip up something special without the rush.

Do weed butter machines dream of electric sheep or cannabis-infused sheep?

They dream of cannabis-infused sheep jumping over a fence made of hemp.

How do you throw a party for a weed butter machine?

Invite some herb-loving friends, put on some chill music, and let the machine take center stage in your kitchen.

Can my weed butter machine join a cooking show?

While it might not be ready for "Top Chef", it's definitely the star of its own show titled "High Cuisine."

If I listen closely, will my weed butter machine whisper the secrets of the universe?

It might not reveal the mysteries of life, but it'll definitely unlock the secrets of a perfect infusion.

How does a weed butter machine like its toast in the morning?

Golden brown with a generous spread of its own creation, of course!

What's the weed butter machine's idea of a romantic evening?

Dim lights, soft jazz, and crafting the perfect blend of butter and herb for a night of culinary delight.

Why did the weed butter machine join a gym?

To get herbally fit and churn out even smoother butter!

What would a weed butter machine's superhero name be?

Captain Cannabutter, defending taste buds and elevating moods one dish at a time!

What's a weed butter machine's favorite movie?

"Butterfly Effect" – but with a twist, the protagonist is just someone making toast.

What's the weed butter machine's motto?

"Churn down for what!" Every moment's a good moment for some infused goodness.

Why did the weed butter machine get promoted at the dairy farm?

Because it was always on a roll and knew how to butter up the boss!

How does a weed butter machine compliment its kitchen partner?

"Every time we blend, my feelings for you just get deeper and butter."

What does a weed butter machine say after a long day?

"Time to chill and spread some joy." Always ending the day on a high note!

What's a weed butter machine's favorite holiday?

"Hash Wednesday!" It's the one day it gets to be the center of all festivities.

If a weed butter machine could travel, where would it go?

To Amsterdam, for some 'cultural exchange' and to meet its international cousins.

What does a weed butter machine bring to a potluck?

Herb-infused treats, of course – it always knows how to spice up the party!

Why did the weed butter machine start a blog?

To share 'budderful' recipes and tips on achieving the perfect spread.

What’s a weed butter machine’s favorite game?

"Bake-off!" It's always stirring up some competition in the kitchen.

If a weed butter machine wrote a book, what would it be about?

"The Art of Infusion: A Journey Through Flavor and Time." A culinary masterpiece!

What’s a weed butter machine’s life philosophy?

"Keep calm and churn on." It believes in taking life one stir at a time.

How does a weed butter machine stay updated with trends?

By following 'Hash-tags'! It's always in the loop with the latest in herb cuisine.

What is a weed butter machine's favorite exercise?

"Spread-ercise!" It's all about spreading good vibes and great flavors.

Why was the weed butter machine considered a genius?

Because it had all the 'budder answers' to life's flavorful questions!

If a weed butter machine had a talk show, what would it be called?

"Toast & Talk with Herbmaster 3000" – a show where every discussion is buttery smooth.

Why did the weed butter machine refuse to play cards?

Because it was tired of people dealing in high stakes!

What did the weed butter maker say to the blender?

"You mix things up, but I spread the joy!"

Why was the weed butter machine always calm?

Because it knew how to blend in and not make a stir!

What's the weed butter machine's favorite dance move?

The 'butter churn' – it's smooth and spreads happiness!

How does a weed butter machine write its autobiography?

With lots of 'buttery' details and 'high' points!

What's the weed butter machine's favorite type of music?

Smooth jazz – it's as relaxing as a well-infused evening.

Why is the weed butter machine the life of the party?

Because it knows how to butter up the crowd!

What's a weed butter machine's favorite kitchen gadget?

A whisk – it admires how it whips up excitement!